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Marccus’s Strengths

Recently have bought a book few weeks ago. Now, Discover your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham [Buy it?] Few weeks later…

Read you like a book

There are moments that I always sit quietly and looking at people around me. Hearing what they says; watching how…


阿婆家,总是在那儿睡在地上睡整天。 是很sien,不过还是如往常般载妈来。 阿婆家是我阿爸每个周末必到之地。他会驾着他的宝贝EX5从槟岛过大桥过高速公路。。来到这里。 通常都是为了三种事: 一,看望他的妈。 二,钓生鱼。 三,抓喜雀。 如今他不在了,阿妈算是要完成他生前的一些心愿吧。。

不老骑士 Grandriders

"年轻有梦, 老人也应该有梦. 有梦就要去实现." 年轻人, 你有梦. 你有去实现吗?  2007年有一群台湾平均 81岁的老人家, 骑了摩多绕岛达 1139KM. 四年后才知道有这回事. 当中的人生道理感触很多人难以了解. 年轻人呐, 把握青春追梦去吧 !! 别让白发就这么生满头. 别让身体就这么慢慢的退化. 别让意志随年龄的增长而淡化消失. 累了, 灰了是,…

The revolution of freedom and independence.

Over the time, how a country fight for freedom, rights, and independence might have proved to change. Where these have…


祝贺大家2011农历辛卯年快乐~!! 心想事成! 万事如意!!


与钱包里的 27元和银行户口里的 11元, 我正迈向 2011年. 回顾这一年, 争的钱不多, 花的钱倒不少. 由 E公司去 Y公司, 情况也没什么好转, 只是乐观在作崇. 记得的事优记少许. 买车篇 2月, 以阿姐的补助供了一辆二手车. 但这车并不是家人所期望, Honda老旧车, 零件昂贵是理由.…

Welcome 2011

No recap this year =P  Or may be got free time only write one and post up. Just a simple…

Internet Beggar

Most of the time.. Malaysian are beggar for internet connection generousity and stability.. Don't you think so? Tolong lar tolong...

What you read manipulate what you think or What you think manipulate what you read?

This morning while tapao the Penang famous Beach Street's nasi lemak and walk pass the newspaper stall, which is daily…