Create simple survey questionnaire using Microsoft Word

Just to share some simple steps in creating simple survey questionnaire using Microsoft Word. This simple tutorial will be simulate using Microsoft Word 2010.

Step 1. Enable Developer Mode

Go to File > Options

Under the Options windows, go to Customize Ribbons, and tick on the Developer as show in image below.

Step 2. Create Your Section / Question

Step 3. Insert Form’s Selection Button

Turn on the Design Mode first, then click on the Legacy Forms, and choose for your desired selector (for eg. Radio button, Checkbox, and etc.).

Here I will put the Radio Button for respondent to select their answer for Demographic and Profiles section.

Right click on the Radio Button, go to the OptionButton Object > Edit, to edit the element and add in required words for the option.

If your word is too long and doesn’t show up entirely, you may resize the box accordingly to fit your words length.

Step 4. Group the Form Buttons

Now, when you turn off Design Mode, you can try to click and found out that you are allow to click once for all these options. What you need to do is to group up the options. In the sub section, Gender have 2 options(Male and Female), Age have 4 options, and Working Experience have 4 options.

To group them up, right click again on the Radion Button, go to Properties.

In the Properties windows, you need to highlight on 2 settings, that is 1. Value and 2. GroupName.

Make sure that the Value is always at False for Radio Button deselect. If the Value show True, the Radio Button is selected.

You may now enter the value to GroupName. For eg, Gen for Gender, Age for Age, WEP for Working Experience, etc etc. Anything that is convenient to you. Just close this window when done editing.

Once done, you may now turn off Design Mode and try select the Radio Button. Now there’s only one select is allow for each sub section.

Step 5. Restrict the document.

For any other questions, just repeat the same will do. Select the appropriate type of Button and group them up according. Once the questionnaire is complete, you may try to protect it and restrict for respondent to tick and save and return the copy to you only. To do so, under the developer tab, go to Restrict Editing.

Check on the 1st limitation and click Yes, Start Enforcing Protection. You may put a simple password to protect the restriction from getting unlocked.


As a summarise:
1. Enable Developer Mode.
2. Create the section / question.
3. Turn on Design Mode, insert the Form Button.
4. Group the Form Buttons.
Optional. (Turn off Design Mode, test the buttons. If buttons work, deselect all the selected button)
5. Restrict the document to only allow respondents select and nothing more.

Thanks for reading, hope this simple tutorial can help =)

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